Saturday, September 20, 2008

Murray Citywide Yard Sale

Twice a year, Murray has a Citywide Yard Sale where people sign up and they produce a map with all the sales throughout the city on it. (Not quite the World's Longest Yard Sale, but still pretty good) For the last two years my friend Shara has joined me for the fun. We spend the morning driving around and looking at all the interesting things (old hard biscuits-seriously-, old Happy Meal toys, family video tapes, just about any junk you can imagine). We also find some good buys. Here are a few of my purchases.

This was my most exciting buy - a Raggedy Anne and Andy for Claire - only $7 for the pair!!!!
I also found the Zebra rug, and a Barbie Princess carriage for the girls.

And a new dust ruffle for Claire's bed.

As you can see, most of my purchases happen to be for the girls, but what's a mom to do? I did get a few other things also - books, clothes, etc, but nothing quite so exciting.

1 comment:

Sharalea said...

YAY! Great purchases and a great time! Thanks for being my Murray yard sale event buddy! :)

I got some great things too--I need to check out yardsales more OFTEN.

Loving all of your updates, by the way!:)