Sunday, March 1, 2009

Happenings 2/23/09-03/01/09

The past two weeks have been as busy as they can get. Everything was happening at the same time. We had to complete our annual review packets, which require gathering of material and creating material to make it all make sense. Not very fun to do. I am also beginning classroom observations of all of our non-faculty composition teachers, which is something I hadn't done before. Plus, I have a conference presentation in two weeks and an article that has been accepted by a book collection provided I make some significant revisions by the end of March. I have also had several committee meetings to organize some projects that need to be done by this summer. Oh, and plus there was all the teaching stuff, prepping for classes and grading papers. I am still not caught up on grading some of the informal writing, but am nearly caught up with graded assignments. Going to the conference will be a nice break, and the next week is Spring Break, so there is some solace ahead.

I've worked for the past two Saturdays to make up extra time, since I can't really stay late or go in really early in order to be of help around the house, since JJ is not really able to get the sleep that she needs, and getting the kids up in the morning and getting them to bed seem to be the hardest times. After they go to bed, I'm able to do my reading, and JJ is able to do things that she needs to do as well.

We went as a family to the MSU women's game on Thursday, and that was fun. We did Claire's favorite things -- rode the shuttle bus to and from, got popcorn, and she played on the inflatable obstacle course and trampoline. The women won. We left before the men's game started because it is just too late for Rachel, but the men won also, which put them in third place of the conference, I think. So they will host a tournament game on Tuesday.

It was a cold week, with some rain and then a little snow on Saturday. The cold wind and wet ground is not very fun to play in, so the kids have had some cabin fever for Claire and Rachel, and they have had their bad moments. In the middle of one night the wind, rain and lightning kept JJ and I up for two hours. It was crazy. (I was up much more than that because the power going out caused me to have crazy dreams and thoughts. Also, middle of the night thoughts make my mind do some funny things. I had all kinds of ideas about people purposely causing the power to go out just on our side of the street - which it did- in order to break into houses, etc. And that late at night, it doesn't sound so ridiculous. So anyway, I was up watching the neighborhood and listening for any hooligans around our house.) We've really had some stormy weather and heavy winds following the ice storm. Claire was able to go to storytime with me on Wednesday, and to her art and dance classes on Friday, but Rachel's storytime on Tuesday was cancelled. As for Maggie, she just keeps growing and is doing well. (She is a good eater and is lots of fun! Almost one month old. And I go back to work tomorrow. I just wish I could put her in a pack and take her with me. Working only 2 days per week makes it okay though)

That's about it for this week. Not a lot of excitement over the past two weeks, but quite a bit of stress, I guess. But the girls are adjusting to Maggie better than before and sleeping better at night. (Claire and Rachel and Paul - not Maggie or I) We love you.

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