Friday, June 12, 2009

Claire's Swimming Lessons

Claire started swimming lessons this year and loved them. At first I thought this was going to be a waste of time - there was one instructor for 12 five and six year olds, so they brought in help in the form of a 10 year old boy (translation - not much help) and Claire just seemed interested in sitting on the side watching. But as the week went on, she became a little more comfortable in the water and after a few more trips to the swimming pool on our own, she has actually learned to swim! By the end of the summer, she was doing flips off the side of Grammy Judy's pool with only water wings on.

Her first day, confidence was beaming.

They had each of the kids try out life jackets too so they knew how they felt. I thought that was pretty smart.
But the noodles were always the favorite - especially the purple and pink ones.

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