Sunday, September 20, 2009

Happenings 9/14/09 - 9/20/09

Another interesting week for us. Pretty normal during the day with school and work and everything, but we had the sister missionaries over for dinner on Tuesday evening, and then they stayed and taught another lesson to the girl who was baptized on Sunday in Bowling Green.

I had a lot to do this week in preparation for a couple of things going on. I had a workshop that I led for faculty on Friday, and a follow-up meeting for the summer institute teachers on Saturday morning. I also had to do some things for my class in preparation for the next few weeks. But the big time consumer was grading, which I had a lot of for both of my classes. I got all that done by the end of the week, though. J.J. was able to volunteer in Claire's class on Thursday, which she will do each week, and she and Claire enjoyed that.

On Saturday after the follow-up meeting in the morning, I picked up Doug and we came back to our house to pick up the couch we had previously picked up from the missionaries a few weeks ago. Since it wouldn't fit in my office, Doug and Heidi decided they could use it, so we moved it to their place. After that, I went home and we loaded up in the car, picked up the sister missionaries, then drove out to visit the lady who lives in a storage shed in the woods. (Literally a storage shed in the woods - no water, no electricity, no insulation - but it is her "home") She had a stroke a couple of weeks ago, but is home now. We ended up putting together a cabinet for her and helping her cook noodles on her propane grill. (It is absolutely amazing how people live She is happy out there and likes her little home, but it sure makes me grateful for all the blessings I have.We were glad we were able to go out there. We came back to Murray, dropped the sisters off and then went to a birthday party for the 1-year-old daughter of some friends of ours, Matt and Abigail -- people J.J. used to work with. Their families were there and we had a barbeque and we had cake. Our favorite gift was a lifetime hunting license for Tennessee -- can't beat that when you turn one. (It was quite the redneck birthday. I love this family but couldn't help giggling ore the hunting license and with every present, it was "git it, git it, git it!" to get her rip off the wrapping paper. Gotta love Kentucky!)

1 comment:

Steph and Eric said...

Hey Paul, this is eric bacon. I found your blog on bailee russell's. It is good to see you and your family--wow! 3 girls! We have 6 boys and love Alaska. It is an amazing place and they asked me to be the Institute Director this summer and loving the new assignment. Hope you guys are well!