Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Photo Shoot

We went to have Christmas pictures of the girls taken at a little Wal-Mart studio and Claire did great. Rachel did okay as long as she was with either Claire or myself, but photos of her by herself were just not happening that day, so I decided to do our own photo shoot at home with the girls to get their individual pictures. Once again, Claire was very excited and did great.
She had a ball doing it!
And she was a very patient, good poser for an amateur photographer.

As you can see, Rachel on the other hand, was once again, not very excited. I even tried to sit by her while Claire took the pictures. This is one of those attempts.
I finally got her to sit by herself, but she still would not cooperate.
I thought we were going to make some progress...

It even looked like we were going to get a full face shot with no hands in the way....
And my hopes were lifted even more when I saw a little smile start to emerge...
but alas, it was not to be. Those were the best we got that day. Well, we'll always have these memories.

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