Wednesday, August 5, 2009

First Day of School

August 5 was the first day of school for Claire! She was so excited - planning for weeks what she was going to wear, buying school supplies, picking out a backpack, learning about the bus, deciding what she was going to eat for lunch. The list goes on and on. Luckily, school has thus far lived up to her expectations. She loves it!!

I was a little nervous about the first day for her and took her to her classroom, found her seat and got her settled. She sat right down, started playing with play-dough, watched the other kids come in and forgot all about me. I was okay with that and gave her a quick kiss, watched from the door for a few minutes and then went to work without shedding a tear.

Putting her on the bus the next day was a little more traumatic for me. I guess just the idea of leaving my little five year old on her own to get to school and her classroom by herself made me nervous. Okay, so there is a really nice bus driver, her friend Katey, teachers that get them off the bus, parent volunteers to help them get to the right classroom, secretaries and aides to help guide them, so she's not exactly on her own, but without mommy or daddy. Well, once again, she loved it and the bus continues to be one of her favorite parts of the day.

Here is the First Day of School picture including two missing teeth.

Of course a picture of the new backpack also. Notice the sad little face in the window! Rachel was actually was the most upset about Claire going to school and cried and cried. The second day of school, Rachel waved to Claire and went to play with her toys.

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